Creating a luxury environment for your event doesn’t have to break the bank.

The feeling of luxury comes very much down to personal taste and how you visualise it. From my own personal experience, I truly believe it is the quality and the exclusivity created that will make the memories long lasting.

An exclusive environment can be created for a special moment without spending a fortune, but I would say that attention to detail is key – as well as spending the time to achieve the right look and ambience.

This is what will give you your own personal ‘wow factor’. If you work hard to make something possible and apply a high level of dedication, the results will come through – as I know success always lies in the details.

I translate the needs of the client to my dedicated and experienced floral team, by having countless converssations with our couples before and during their event – bringing to life the very look and feel they have dreamed of.

Here are a few key factors to consider and easy ways to achieve the luxury feel and chic look you have envisaged, through applying the following tactics.

1. Simplicity

Simplicity really is the absolute turnaround factor that will transform an event, giving it a seamless and chic atmosphere. Colours and straight lines together with the very simple chairs create a truly formidable look.

2. Height

Considering the height at a venue when creating an event is also a great way of producing an exquisite environment. From metallic structures in geometric shapes, candles and hanging flowers, right down to the shape of the menu.

All these elements married together, working in accordance with the floor plan and layout, will help you achieve just that! When these different focal points are rendered and magnified through careful planning and consistency, the quality of your event will come to life.

3. Tableware & Setting

We do associate dressing a table, with all the correct etiquette in place, with luxury – and this can be true to a certain extent. However a table can be dressed exclusively without this simply by choosing the right crockery, textiles, colours and arrangement of flowers.

The difference lies in the relationship between the quality and exclusivity – and using someone with plenty of experience. To achieve this we like to include crisp linens in white or oatmeal and floaty runners in chiffon for silk.

4. Location

It’s important to remember that achieving a luxurious atmosphere, isn’t always directly related to the price tag. With the right knowledge and experience, and also personal perception and choice, you don’t have to break the bank. Also, you want to be sure that your chosen venue makes you feel special and appreciated from the start.

5. Light

Lighting design has just as much an impact as a floral design has. Lighting adds the magic to the overall atmosphere and it can help create elegance and a romantic atmosphere – adding the final touch and value to your event. For each event I create, it is an imperative part of the organisation to ensure a unique and memorable atmosphere.

6. Food, drinks, cocktails & aperitifs

We have talked much about lighting, flowers and general stage design, but we must not forget how important the quality of the food is. The colours and choice add to the overall taste, feel and ambience, which will help leave your guests with everlasting memories of your event.

If wisely chosen, food is something your guests will talk about for years to come after the event.

So until next time kick up those Louboutins and plan that magical luxury wedding!

Jane xx


